Opening day is just around the corner!
We will be opening for the season on Monday, April 22nd at 8:00am! At this time, we predict that power carts will be available for opening day. Tee time bookings will be available for members only starting this evening just after midnight and will maintain 10-day advanced member booking access for the season. Public players will not have the ability to book until Wednesday, April 17th. If you used the online booking system last season, everything has remained the same except for the booking access password which is now “2024wildwinds”.
- To book your tee times, visit our website at
- Go to the “Golf” drop down menu
- Select “Memberships>Members Portal”
- Enter Password “2024wildwinds”
- Click “Book Member Tee Time” Button
- Click on the calendar in the top right corner or the date at the top
- Select the date you want to book
- Select the time you want to book
- Click on “Book Now”
- Select the number of golfers for your booking by clicking on numbers 1-4
- Click on “Proceed to Checkout”
- In the “Sign Up” fill out all information required
- Click “Sign Up”
- On the Checkout Screen read “Tee Times Terms and Conditions”
- Click the box beside “I agree to Terms and Conditions”
- Click on “Complete your Purchase”
- Your Tee time will now be booked
- You will receive a confirmation email
Please do not share the password to our member portal with anyone who is not a Wildwinds member as this is your access to 10-day advanced booking and we want to make sure we protect that member only access.
I am very excited to get the season started and look forward to seeing you all soon!
Jon Jeffries
General Manager